Mandurah TBA Mandurah Plein Air Artists
Perth Metro -
Juiz de Fora -
Perube - Perube-SP
Piracicaba- near the
Piracicaba River all days Caipiras do Plein Air
Rio de Janeiro -
Mirante do Leblon Sept 8 Rio de Janeiro Plein Air Painters
Sete Barras / SP -Rota SP139 - Mata Atl�ntica (S�tio Shiratori) Sept 8 Caminhos da Mata
Tiradentes - Minas Gerais -
Alberta -Didsbury - Rosebud Sept 6-7 Plein Air PAINT OUT in Rosebud
BC - Port Alberni - Sproat Lake Park & Harbour Quay Sept.7 -8 DRAW Gallery
BC- Barriere -Fadear Park, Barriere Town Road Sept 7 - 8 artists in the North Thompson Valley
BC -Campbell River - on the beach Sept 6 - 7 group
BC - Texada Island - Shingle Beach Sept. 7 group
Ontario - Kingston - Barriefield Village all days Kingston School of Art
Bahamas -
St. Lucia, West Indies- Castries Sept 8 St. Lucian painters
Trinidad & Tobago- T & T- Call 622-9827 for locations all days The Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago
Blanchisseuse Swing Bridge
Brittany -
Giverny, Normandy -
Munich - Bavaria -
Mykonos Island (date change) Sept 24 - 25 join our plein air workshop & Paint Out contact more info
Haifa - Fields
Florence - Vallombrosa, 1000mt above sea, abbey 1056 aC, Sept 7 Colori del Levante Fiorentino
biggest & oldest italian forest university All painters are welcome
Venice -
Canterbury -
Alabama -
Arizona -
California - San Diego - Balboa Park Sept. 7-8 San Diego Plein Air
California- Santa Clara ( see below ) all days Nature Lovers
9/6/19 Mission Santa Clara de Asis; _ 9/7/19 Nocturne at Santa Clara Square Marketplace; _ 9/8/19 Santa Clara University
Colorado - Colorado Springs -
218 W Colorado Ave, 80903 all days Alvarez Gallery Art School
Florida - St. Augustine - King St Bridge Sept 8 Plein Air 2.0
Florida - Sarasota - Ken Thompson Park Sept 7 Sarasota Plein Air Painters
Georgia -Blueridge - Starting at BRMAA, 420 West Main Street all days Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association
Hawaii -
Illinois -
Indiana -
Maine -
Maryland -
Montana -
Nevada -
New Hampshire-
New Jersey - Forked River - Sept 7-8 join group
330 East Lacey Road, Forked River, nj. take Exit 74 on GSP, head East on Lacy RD, just before road ends park is on left
I will be there from 12PM to 5PM Saturday and Sunday . Please come join me.
New York -
North Carolina -
Pennsylvania -
South Carolina -
Texas -
Virginia - Tazewell - Historic Crab Orchard Museum Sept 8 Appalachian Artists Association
We welcome the public to join Appalachian Artists to paint, sketch, observe. We will be on the Museum grounds Sunday September 8 from 1:00 until 5:00.
Wisconsin -
Wyoming -
Join in - Have some fun - Support your group !
Become a FAN of the WORDWIDE Paint Out on FACEBOOK HERE
WORLDWIDE Paint Out 2004 was Dedicated to the celebration of the life of
Lawrence C. Goldsmith, AWS (Centennial exhibit Monhegan Museum 2016)
Artist, Author Mentor, Friend
IPAP Members Registered
J.R. Baldini Mykonos, Greece
Phil Chadwick Kingston, Ontario
Nanci Cook Campbell River BC
Alcina Nolley St. Lucia, West Indies
Sandra Nunes Rio de Janeiro, BR
Linda Richichi Sarasota, Florida
Marsha Hamby Savage Blueridge, GA
Kathy Schifano
IPAP Paint Out Registration was last updated on: 12/3/2020
17th Great W O R L D W I D E Artist Paint Out
International Plein Air Painters Organization 18 th Anniversary
September 6 - 7 - 8 , 2019
Countries Alphabetically with Groups - Here
Emails are for contact in joining that particular location
18th Great W O R L D W I D E Paint Out
September 11 - 12 - 13, 2020
Be sure your state or country is represented!!!!
International Plein Air Painters
International Plein Air Painters Artists Organization WORLDWIDE Est. 10/19/01
Alvarez Gallery Art School Colorado Springs, Co
Jessica Barnes St. Augustine, FLA
Caipiras do Plein Air Piracicaba, Brasil
Caminhos da Mata Sete Barras, Brasil
Elizabeth Carr Ackworth, Georgia
Colori del Levante Fiorentino Florence Italy
DRAW Gallery Port Alberni, BC
Lucinda Gillespie Tazewell, Virginia
Rosemary Glass Forked River, New Jersey
Margaret Houben Barriere, BC
Kingston School of Art Kingston, Ontario
Barbara Thoms Mandurah, Australia
Nature Lovers Santa Clara, California
Plein Air PAINT OUT in Rosebud Didsbury, Aberta
San Diego Plein Air San Diego, California
Kathleen Scott Texada Island, BC Canada