Inge Gross Ann Nechkov Brenda Hofreiter Mark Hofreiter
Zuki - (Bob Brewer's dog)
Florida Canaveral
Diana Dunlop Bob Brewer Mark Hofreiter
Sharon Muldoon Stewart Jones Ann Nechkov
Bottom Left to Right Sitting:
Heather Hensen Brenda Hofreiter Larry Moore
Cindy Sturla
Georgia - Atlanta & Marietta
Canada -Vancouver Island
Mohan Man
Washington - Dianne Gardner
New York - Central Park Daniel Reed
Plein Air Florida
Pine Island September 12, 2003
At the Paint Out - Some painters were way out in the marshes and missed a group photo.
Left to Right Row 1: Linda Blondheim( PAF Founder), Pamela Kaye, Mary Jane Volkmann, Elisabeth Ferber, Mary J. Grey, Durinda Cheek, C. Turner Cornett (Event Organizer), Lillian Goodman
Left to Right Row 2: Claudia Moriaty, Sally Evans, Letitia Thompson , Peggy Matthes, Barbara Perrotti, Thom Buttner, Sandra Babb, David Johnson (PAF Founder)
Left to Right Row 3: Dorothy Gardner, Melanie Monahan, Diane Becker, Patricia Geary, Pat Gilman, Jarry Stapleton, Betsy Schoepf, John Rice, Lynn Gohmann, Gwen Gutwein ,Mary Alice Queiros, Eva Allen, Markissia Billiris