Art workshops
       Click here to  Download Membership Application

 Please add your name and address for the September 2025 "PAINT OUT".
Also tell us who you will be painting with or whether you will be painting alone.
Also list the source of any form of  publicity you can get us.
We need you to make this a success! Join us on FACEBOOK HERE

For those participating -Please be sure to do a group photograph
Comments: or other ideas would be appreciated
retype email
name of newspaper
Are you able to get publicity for yourself at your local newspaper?
(This is important)
One of the main reasons for the Worldwide Paint Out is to give artists a Media opportunity in their community
Name of official group
if applicable-if not type NA
Are you able to add a link to  your website or any art related one)  for us?
Your Page address where our link can be found
How did you hear about IPAP paint out?

International Plein Air Painters Artists Organization WORLDWIDE Est. 10/19/01
Thank You for your registration and your name and contact will be added to the official list at PAINT OUT 
use SUBMIT button below 
Please make use of our official press releases to publicize this historic event. And please help spread the word to your artist friends and groups
List me as a contact
City, State/Province
Specific Location where you will paint
Highway Intersection,etc.for directions
Order Your Participant T shirt, button,hat
now at
Something for all PARTICIPANTS
Just go to  SEE ALL Paint Out MERCHANDISE

Order Your Participant T shirt, button,hat
now at
Something for all PARTICIPANTS
Just go to  SEE ALL Paint Out MERCHANDISE

International Plein Air Painters artist members worldwide. Contact and see Members art with website, contact and location and plein air painting medium.

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HomeAdvisory PanelMaster ArtistsSignature MembersCharter MembersAdvertising MembersAssociate MembersAmbassadors

JOIN IPAPContact UsWorkshopsSUBMIT your WorkshopPaint Out Store2025 WORLDWIDE Paint OutFACEBOOKPress ReleaseLinks  2

International Plein Air Painters Artists Organization WORLDWIDE   Est. 10/19/01
email us
prime spot for your
upcoming shows,
art workshops,etc
​$100.00 PP
<BR><A HREF="">International Plein Air Painters >
  <img src=><br>-ANNUAL SEPTEMBER WORLDWIDE PAINT OUT SINCE 2002. International Plein Air Painters is a blanket organization created for the sole purpose of advancing the execution and enjoyment of plein air painting without the restrictions and limitations of borders or regions.
Membership is restricted to plein air painters, those serious to learn about plein air painting and those who wish to be benefactors advancing the plein air movement.</A>

I will be painting with a group
I will be painting alone
yesnoI will try
Yes - list me as a contact
No, don't list me as a contact
Sept 5
Sept 6
Sept 4