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"Art adds to a community, attracts a core of people who are intelligent, creative and bring new ideas.
They have a lot of energy, which is a really wonderful thing for a community to have."
Landscape painters will invade (name of town or region) in (September). Some of the area's most talented
outdoor painters will bring their paint boxes and easels to (name of town or area), well known for its vistas of (what ?), historically significant buildings (such as), and (other items of local interest.)
This remarkable 23rd Annual event Paint (Town Name 2025) is happening with the support of International Plein Air Painters (local Plein Air group plus other supporters.) Artists are expected from (names of cities from which artists are coming), to converge on (Town) all day on (Day, Month, Date), to paint outdoors throughout the town.
Plein air artists seek the quality of natural light and atmosphere outdoors. Their art work is in direct
response to the beauty they find in nature. They use a variety of media, from oils, through watercolors and pastels.
The public will be able to join in the fun by watching individual artists work and moving from painter to painter (time ? ) throughout the day.
Maps will be handed out by (whom?) (where?) showing where each artist is developing a painting on the spot.
In the evening, there will be an exhibit of the day's work at (where?). An artists' reception will be held from _____,
with a presentation of awards at (fill in) The public is invited to come view the art and meet the artists.
(fill in) (remember to customize this according to your group plans)
Event organizer (name) says there is a joy about paintings outdoors and this is a chance for people to see professional artists at work, developing their paintings in response to the beauty in nature.
Plein air painting developed in France in the mid 19th century and is becoming increasingly popular.
Last year's event drew artists from all over the Globe. Many new plein air painting groups were formed directly from this event.
International Plein Air Painters, who has members who reside throughout the World, is the blanket Organization for individual plein air groups and was created for the sole purpose of advancing the execution and enjoyment of plein air painting without limitations of borders or regions.
IPAP's members are the quiet activists in the ongoing environmental struggle.
They call attention to the threatened urban scene and the vanishing farmland for history.
Its members share inspiration and encouragement both on the Internet and at "paint outs".
They encourage other artists to get out and do it, to paint with other artists and share ideas.
This event is happening simultaneously in international locations and (name) is part of this 23rd WORLDWIDE group event hosted by International Plein Air Painters. You can join or show your support for IPAP or learn more about the group and see some of the many events happening posted on the new website
2025 marks the 24th Anniversary of International Plein Air Painters
IPAP makes the Paint Out a yearly WORLDWIDE event.
24th WORLDWIDE Paint Out September 4 - 5 - 6 , 2026
and the 25th year Anniversary for International Plein Air Painters
Press release courtesy of Marjorie Crain, IPAP (in Memory)
revised J.R. Baldini, IPAP Founder