Art workshops
International Plein Air Painters Worldwide Organization
Est. 10/19/01
Signature members
Phil Chadwick
Phil Chadwick, Hon IPAP - Artist Statement

I am inspired by nature, family and fellow artists to see beyond the surface and to share the experience - a vision in pigment and texture. 
My immediate goal is to extract the maximum amount of inspiration from the moment and to have fun doing it while surrounded by the natural elements. Somehow the inspiration finds its way on to the canvas. My simple desire is to make my next painting my new favorite and improve in capturing the essence of the subject with lots of colour and bold strokes !

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Biography:       Phil “the Forecaster” Chadwick

Born and raised in the Kingston-Brockville corridor along the St Lawrence River 
Started painting with the late Mario Airomi in 1967 and never stopped 
Started drawing much sooner … probably around 1957 
Trained at Queen's University as a nuclear physicist 
Married to Linda 
Meteorologist for Environment Canada since 1976 specializing in severe weather, satellite and radar meteorology and training
Operates a nature preserve on Singleton Lake in eastern Ontario
An avid canoeist and naturalist 
Retired apiarist (bee-keeper since 1994) 
Active "birder" and bird house builder 
Occasional writer for nature oriented magazines 
Artwork in many private and corporate collections around the globe 
Many, many gallery shows 
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Tour Speaker 2005-2006 
“Tom Thomson Was A Weatherman” and other Weather and Climate orientated presentations 
“Weather of Ontario” and “Passion of Phil the Forecaster” author 


Phil occasionally conducts plein air workshops as well as teaching meteorology for EUMETSAT in various Scandinavian countries. Both art and weather are presented with a lot of fun and humour – “life is good!”


A passion for creation sums it all up!   Inspiration comes from every element of a full life. 
For more details on activities, awards and new art, please visit my website or “Google” of “Phil the Forecaster” or “Phil Chadwick”.

Contact website

I keep my Blog current with new art and presentations. 
Links from this Blog go to my various other art sites such as .

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International Plein Air Painters Artists Organization WORLDWIDE   Est. 10/19/01
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CHADWICK, PHIL - "Long Lake Outlet" Oils on Indian Red oil tinted foundation on - 11 X 14 canvas  .
This view is from the west end of Long Lake looking westward across a beaver lodge and the beaver dam that kept Long Lake at its current level.
CHADWICK, PHIL - "Long Reach Rain" Oils on Indian Red oil tinted foundation on canvas - 11 X 14  - 
The temperature was a balmy 14 Celsius and I could not resist the urge to paint en plein air. It was spitting rain but not enough to wet the canvas. Most of the precipitation stayed as
CHADWICK, PHIL - "Sun Up at Jim Day" Oil on dark Indian red oil tinted foundation on commercial canvas - 11 x 14  - 
The cat wanted in the house... I made her paint with me. The spring air was full of the sounds of geese, loons and ruffed grouse... and the whining and scratching of the cat.
CHADWICK, PHIL - "Outlet Row of Boat Houses" Oil on medium burnt sienna red oil tinted foundation on canvas - 10 x 12  - 
I have painted here before...  forget. It is a great place to paint out of the wind. There is poison ivy though and I have to be careful. The black flies were h
CHADWICK, PHIL - "A Daisy A Day" Oil on Indian red oil tinted foundation on commercial canvas - 14x11 -
I try to paint a daisy every year but I did not know enough about them until now. The reference books tell me Leucanthemum vulgare,ox-eye daisy or oxeye daisy is a widespread flower.
CHADWICK, PHIL - "I Am the Walrus" Oils on burnt sienna oil tinted foundation on commercial canvas - 10 x 12.
The next sailing vessel to catch my eye in Portsmouth Harbour was the "Walrus V". Presumably there were four other walruses that preceded this particular boat.
CHADWICK, PHIL -  "That'll Do" Oils on burnt sienna oil tinted foundation on canvas - 10 x 12 -. 
The shifting sun prompted me to move westward along the break water. I did not have to move very far. I liked the looks of "That'll Do". The colours and reflections were interesting.
CHADWICK, PHIL - "Soft Maple Shore" Oils on medium burnt sienna oil tinted foundation on  canvas -10 X 8 .
Had the opportunity to do some plein air painting in Limberlost Forest & Wildlife Reserve.One soft maple in particular really stood out on the far, northeastern shore of Buck Lake